Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Ventura River Parkway


This poster was created in 2011 to serve as a tool to begin our talking points at meetings and events about the Ventura River Parkway.  The poster describes a network of existing parks and preserves in 2011 that are along the Ventura River and form the beginning of the parkway. Much more has been accomplished since this poster was created!

About the Ventura River Parkway movement: The purpose of river parkways include the protection, improvement and restoration of riverine and riparian open space and wildlife habitat. Although the Ventura River is relatively "wild", by southern California standards, it is not accessible to public use.  The vision of the parkway is to the provide opportunities to the public for recreation as well as awareness regarding the conservation and restoration of rivers and streams. In addition, the goal is conversion of existing developed riverfront land uses into uses consistent with river parkways.

For more information go to the Friends of the Ventura River website. 

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