Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Grand Unification Poster

or "Protecting the Ventura River Watershed: Community based initiatives to protect and restore our natural resources"


Surfrider's Enviro Director Paul Jenkin used to laugh at me when we were working on this because I called it the "grand unification poster".  His title isn't as colorful.  But I think it really sums up what this is all about, in a watershed preservation kind of way.  This poster illustrates not only what is happening in the Ventura NGO community regarding preserving/restoring the Ventura River watershed, but it also highlights the many different groups and their diverse projects that are working toward that objective.  Each group focused on their specialty. It's a big deal to see this kind of teamwork among non-profits.  It's the Ventura Grand Unification project.  This poster is a little dated as it was done in 2008, but the work still continues, the collaborations grow and progress is being made.  Exciting times for lovers of the Ventura River.  Probably a more updated version will make an appearance in the future. 

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